CW’s Premier Men cross the Pond to take on UBCOB Ravens tomorrow at Jericho Beach Park. These two teams met three weeks back, with the Ravens coming away with a 38 – 31 victory. The Tricolours gave that one up with error and know that this match should have been at The House of Windsor. No matter what, when it comes down to brass tacks, there are no excuses to be offered. The Ravens are a “deep” club, with their Rippers also playing in semi-final action tomorrow. UBCOB have made several different selections over the past three matches, whereas CW has kept a consistent selection. Most pundits would espouse Ravens as favourites and the “ferry factor”, is always worth five points, i.e., home field advantage.
At uploading time, the Ravens selection was not available, so the writer will mainly comment on the CW squad. The starting five remains as that selected which gave the Vikings a schooling last week. Their task will be much more difficult, as at least one, maybe two, of the FRF will be called upon to toil for the full eighty minutes. A tough challenge, given the pace of play expected. There is good help from the pines in Clarke, and Schubert has been called up after a solid contribution against Bayside last week. Sickness and injury have eliminated some other names which may have been available. The loosies, with fire power off the bench in Pyke, Sutherland, and Warren, looks to be a strength to contain a probable, O’Donoghue, Chan, Ikeda starting trio with many other possibilities to fill. The battle in the loose, both on defence and offence could well be the deciding factor in the outcome.
To the backs. CW is settled and having seen McLelland in action, no doubt has more definite plans of confinement. I would suggest, Ravens have their work cut out equally, planning for Bowd. Every week, like a premium wine, Grady seems to get better and has a game that is almost error-free. A value cannot be placed on his poise and leadership. It is a pity to see Griffiths fall to Covid, but the Schelly/James combo has matured in confidence and Fuli showed the Faithful the importance of his value last week. Adibe is all class and Porter and Tait know their roles. This is the group that will do the club proud tomorrow. There will be a small contingent of supporters to boost the lads in what will be a hostile environment of the defending Champs, but the boys must know the 16th Man will be there in spirit. The Men have focussed on “team” all year in a campaign that has been far from smooth and will rely on that feeling and spirit as they seek to upset and move on. Go, you good things.