It was more than a celebration of the date, it was an extremely successful event held at The Temple last Friday to support the five CW lads who will be travelling with the B.C. Bears to South America. The tour celebrates 125 years of the existence of the B.C.R.U.
A HUGE CW THANKS to everyone for making this a great fund raising event. With support via donations, silent auction purchases, BBQ burgers and sausages et al, CW raised over $1,600 on July 4th. Added to this sum was a special one-time donation by a long time CW supporter of $2,000....taking the total to approx. $3,600 which will be distributed to the five CW guys.
We thank the donors, Thrifty Foods, Peter Kilshaw, Dave Jawl, Uplands Golf Club, Brett Harvie of Team Sales, Rugby Canada, Rob Card of the Monkey Tree Pub and John Lyall, Pres of V.I.R.U. for auction items and a special thanks to Leslie Manning and Pete Saunders, Queen & King of the barbie and a huge hand n the concept and production. Best of luck to the coaches - Kenny and Rogie and players, Jonny, Gord and Jake. Enjoy the merlot and beef but make sure to kick some butt!