Final weekend for tree shredding. Thanks for your support to date. Remind your neighbours!
Saturday, Sunday; 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Boys and girls, aged 14 - 17. Reminder of Vikes Academy, starts tomorrow at 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. @ Wallace Field. Bargain prive - ten excellent sessions for $160.
Girls rugby for 2014 starts THIS SUNDAY at 10:30 a.m at Windsor Park. New players welcome. CW congratulates Caroline and Sophie who were selected for the B.C. Womens U18 team to play in Las Vegas and also, Miranda, Imogen and Camille who will be playing with a B.C. Invitees team, The Banshees. Best of luck to all of the girls. Go, CW!
The BC Rugby Referees' Society will be running a Level One Introduction to Officiating Course on Saturday, January 18th at the James Bay Athletic Association Club House in Victoria. Completion of this course will give participants a minimum certification to referee Rugby in British Columbia.
Level One Officiating Course - VICTORIA
Host: James Bay AA (205 Simcoe St, Victoria, BC)
Dates: January 18th, 2014
Times: 8:30am-4:30pm
Facilitator: John de Goede (
[email protected])
Minimum Numbers: 8
Please note: Prerequisites for those looking to take the course include an IRB Law Test ( and a Rugby Ready Test ( Course participants are required to bring both completion certificates to the course session, or email copies to John de Goede (
[email protected]). Time to complete these tests vary depending on your background -- please allow several hours to complete.
Course participants are asked to dress appropriately for outdoor activity and are required to bring their own whistles.
The registration fee is $78.75,participants from CW are elligible for Club subsidy.