Another Quadruple at Home

(Credit John Richardson Images)
The last time the Pride & CW Senior Men Premier met, it was a close three-point win to the hosts in a very tense encounter. No points in the first forty and a Gareth Sandner penalty was the difference. This time, the Pride comes in with an undefeated record. CW flexed some bi’s last week against the Bays, so the promise of another good game at the House lies imminent.
There are several changes to the CW side from last week. In the forwards, newcomer at lock is Tom Davidson who has come to the club from the Pride program. The halves combination changes, with Pilgrim moving to #10, a position we have not seen him play and Keegan Hall, a player the coaches are high on, gets his first start at #9. The centers combination is a complete change with Sutherland starting and Sion Griffiths moving to join him from the wing. We note another new starter, Mager, on the wing. This is a backline configuration this writer cannot comment on because of its “newness” and no doubt an area that the Pride will focus on disrupting. Conversely, the locals will no doubt seek to put the screws on the visitors with a crusty and experienced bunch of forwards.
The Pride will start two former Tricolours, Matt Klimchuk at #8 who is pressing claims for higher honors and Liam Poulton in the centers. It may just be such that players from the pines could be difference-makers and here CW is served well with Kratz, returnee, Jack Wallace and a surprise, Jo Jo Morra, no doubt slowly working his way back from injury. It is always a joy to see this man mercurially scampering around the park. So, there you have it – no Bowd, no Nott, no Fuli in the backs and great opportunities for others. Start time 2:30.

CW Women’s Div 2 will be hosting Cowichan. A few weeks back, CW was schooled at Piggie Park. This time round the teams have agreed to play “10’s” and the game length will be shorter, hopefully, a factor in the home team’s favor. This match will commence at 11:15 a.m.
The Men’s Islanders open their season against Comox at Windsor with a kickoff at 12:30. These two clubs had some enjoyable encounters last season which featured lengthy road trips. CW is looking forward to more of the same this season. Go, the Isles. Shout out to Comox for making the trek and CW, file that for a reciprocal.

Upon closer scrutiny of one story on Wednesday, we note a Cowichan RFC jersey also at the Jamboree. Well done, Piggies!
Also, we were remiss in not including some photo credits to Salina Buchan, BCRU, Craig Thornber and Wendy Norman. A big thank you to these people for we believe the data points to the success of our site being partly due to photos posted. CWRFC is looking for “regular” photographer who enjoys sports photography. If you are that person, you can contact us at [email protected]

U16 Girls - Ready to Go.
CW’s U16 girls open their season on Sunday when they host James Bay. Season’s openers are always cause for some nervousness, but practice has been going well and there is an air of excitement. Good luck to all and have a good game.
NSWT XV’s vs. Wales on Saturday. The game reportedly (Rugby Canada), can be viewed on TSN 4, 8:00 p.m. PST time. Canada is on a six-game win streak over the Dragons and CW’s Gabby Senft and Sophie de Goede (Captain), will play big roles in this match. The team has been training in the UK following their brace of losses to England and Coach Rouet, reports the work and growth has been valuable and he expects it to be shown in this match. Tonight's venue is in NZ. Best of luck to the team.
NSMT Selection. Coach Jones has announced a long list from which a team will be selected to play a couple of international matches in Spain in November. We note that Jossiah ‘Mercury’ Morra is on the list but no Grady Bowd. DJ Sears-Duru can also claim a past connection with the Tricolors. 32 players will eventually be named from the 43 man “long list”. Best of luck to all in the hopper.