Monday's Musings

Posted in CW Rugby / Fundraiser / Rugby Club / Victoria BC / News / Community / Senior Men

Monday's Musings

Long time, no post!  Our last blog was a bio on Dave Spicer.  Today, the Doc features again.  This time with tight lines.  Past Pres, Chris (‘Oldspice’) Spicer bid on the Kinglsey Grant day fishing trip at the club's most recent fund-raiser.  Spice, being no chopped liver, won this bid last year as well and recognised the true value of a successful day on the water with mine host, Kingsley.  This year, the lads not only, limited but had to return two “over-sized” halibut back to the Pacific as well.  That’s a bang for the buck.  Hopefully our supporters will remember when fund-raising can resume in the future.  Thank you Grant-Size Tours and Kingsley for this support.



Another piece of trivia, although not so for the players involved, recognises the hard work of past players, Brian McKenzie and Matt (‘Peaches’) Weingart, club captain 2011 of our last BC Premiership winning side and both chaps having represented their country. The lads have been working on a product for some time, pushing private sales and modifying the product. It is with happiness and support for them that we announce today they have gone “public” on the OTC. The products are varied but designed to give athletes superior performance in inclement weather conditions. We include a synthesis below. Best of luck Pichot and Brian.

