(Photo, Rugby Canada.)

Captain Tessier puts her side in front in the second half of last week’s match vs #1 England.  There was “no doubt” about this try.  “Doubt” is the word for today’s diatribe.  A definition of the word runs the gamut from hesitation to indecision, to uncertainty.  I enjoyed the key post-game statements from the Canadian captain and coach.  Alex Tessier was very assertive when insisting a couple of times, “we had them”, at the same time admitting second-half mistakes were the cause for the score line.  Coach Rouet, in his customary, understated fashion, offered it was good that “we stayed with them”, despite not “having our best game”.  I believe that these assessments were verified by the faces of the England ladies at game’s end, with almost unanimous looks of relief.  Canada’s defensive line speed and coordination caused English errors with denial of space and time, a result of excellent cardiac condition.


The time between now and RWC next year favors the host country (England), and their 100% contracted players vs Maple Leaf oleo of most of the ladies playing professionally in either England or France.  England will also bring their squad together to face the strong opposition of France and Ireland in particular, over the Six Nations League.  It will be interesting to see how Rouet can assemble his squad to ensure they represent their true value.  End of sermon, sports fans!



                       ATMOSHPERIC RIVER OFF & ON THE FIELD


CW men travel for away games to Cowichan’s Herd Road field tomorrow with First Div kickoff at 12:30 and Premier kickoff at 2:30 (note an earlier time change).  Divvies are 0- 2 so far with Cowichan sitting at 1 – 1.  The “Piggies” are always a tough opponent at home and Keegan Hall, earning his first captaincy with the team, deservedly so for he is an inspirational man, will need all he can muster from his forwards to break the bagel.

Premier action will see the Tricolors put their undefeated record on the line against the Pride.  The Pride’s results have not been particularly favorable to this point however, their talent is not in dispute, and it will require all there is in the tank with as few errors as possible in what promises to be very inclement conditions, for the undefeated status to be retained.

Denver Fatt is missing from the pack and Alex McCallum will be called upon to step up.  Alex did get a few starts with the Vikes, so it is another opportunity to prove his ability for his enthusiasm is not in doubt.  John Humphreys and Nick Carson are absent from the pack with Dring and Ayo getting the start in the engine room.  Both put in a long, and solid enough stint against Caps, and it will require that or more tomorrow.  Nott leads the side from #8 and the loosies will get heaps of work in the mud.  There has been a shuffle in the backs with ‘Suddsy’ Sutherland getting the coach’s nod and Tardiff, who looked much improved last outing, coming off the pines.  Personally, I liked Hager in the centers last week so that option will be possible with him starting on the wing. Fuli, off the bench could be critical if the going gets heavy.  If we can make the trek, the boys will need the support in an outcome that looks tight to this pundit.  Go, you good things.
