Today we announce the upcoming AGM. The date has been changed from the Fall to a more practical, late-season time, thus enabling a far more efficient handing over of the reins to a new Board.
Castaway-Wanderers RFC Annual General Meeting.Tuesday, April 4th, 2023, at 8PM PDT.
All Registered Members of the CWRFC community are invited to participate in the AGM. The meeting will be held in person and online. All CWRFC Members in good standing are invited to attend in person or connect online. Parents or Guardians of members under the age of 16 may attend the AGM and vote on the members behalf. The meeting will be held at the Discovery Sports Club (19+ only) on April 4th, with the online access provided closer to the date. Online participants will be muted. Questions should be posed through the chat function and voting will be through the through the poll function.
The draft Agenda for the meeting will include:
1. Call to Order, Appointment of Chairperson, and Confirmation of Quorum
2. Confirmation of the Agenda
3. Adoption of the Minutes from the prior AGM
4. Financial Report
5. Confirmation / Election of CWRFC Board of Directors
6. Other Business as/if required.
There are four Executive and up to eight Directors at Large positions on the Board of Directors along with two Player Representatives.
As stated in the Club’s By-Laws (sec. 4.3), nominations for board positions are required to be submitted in writing at least 7 days prior to the meeting.
At each annual general meeting, the voting members entitled to vote for the election or appointment of directors must elect or appoint the Board. Nominations for directors shall be open to any eligible voting member of the club and whose nomination is seconded by another eligible voting member of the club. Nominations for directors must be received in writing 7 days before the date of the AGM.
Nominations can be submitted for all the following positions. Please note that incumbents’ names are provided as a reference where these individuals have agreed to let their names stand for nomination – additional nominations for these positions can be submitted in accordance with Sec 4.3.
Confirmation of CWRFC Board of Directors:
President: Open for Nominations
Vice President- David Hill
Treasurer – Linda Veitch
Secretary: Jonathon Donald
Director at Large positions are:
Director of Jr Girls Rugby – Rob Peel
of Junior Boys Rugby - Byron McAllister
Director of Mini Rugby – Rodney Fraser
Director at Large - Brent Johnston
Director at Large - Jon Braddock
Director at Large – Merie Beauchamp
Director at Large – Gareth Rees
Director at Large – Madeline Berry
Player Reps
Senior Men's Rep – Brandon Gerhardt
Senior Women's Rep – Jess Hardy
Any further nominations must be submitted in writing (i.e., email) to the Board Secretary, Jon Donald, [email protected] and/or President, [email protected] by 20:00 hrs PT, on March 29th, 2023.

Looking good but not quite good enough! CW Men & Women sported new warm up jackets on Saturday at UBC, discarding the old versions after eight years of well-worn service! This is representative of just a small portion of operating costs, also to add, transporting four senior teams to Point Grey! Unfortunately, the Tricolours bowed out in three of the four games to the loaded student program. The Birds look to be the club to beat once again. (p.s. Unis, compliments of fundraising efforts.)